Blyth & Bathe

Traditional Knowledge Component for a Species at Risk Status Assessment

We completed the traditional knowledge component for the Species-at-Risk Status Assessment of Barren-ground Caribou in the NWT.

Client Name

NWT Species-at-Risk Committee (Government of the Northwest Territories)

Services Provided

We provided research and writing.

Client Challenge

We compiled of a large quantity of source material and sourced unpublished information.

How B&B Solved it?

We met the challenge of sourcing unpublished information by using our extensive network of contacts across the NWT, as well as calling on our knowledge of the public registries of renewable resource boards and other research publication portals. The document was authored by a team of researchers, which helped us complete the large amount of work required to distil a vast quantity of data into the very specific format required by the NWT Species-at-Risk Committee.