We're certified! Firearms Safety Courses for Nunavut are on the way.

We're certified! Firearms Safety Courses for Nunavut are on the way.

Adam Bathe | 2014-11-18 | CFSC | FAC | Firearms | Nunavut | NWT | RCMP | training | Yukon | | Training Programs | 287

Well, it’s been a long time coming but we are finally certified to teach the Canadian Firearms Safety Course in Nunavut!We were hoping that the so-called “Common Sense” Firearms Licensing Act would allow instructors that are currently certified to teach the course in one jurisdiction to deliver it in any other jurisdiction. This is a federally developed program that is overseen by the RCMP. To us it makes no sense that instructors are limited to teaching in one region but it looks like we'll have to wait for this aspect of the legislation to change.In the mean time, we have been working to expand our teaching certifications to other regions. Currently, we are able to teach in the NWT, Yukon, Nunavut and Alberta.John and I will be touring the Sahtu region of the NWT this month, offering the CFSC in all five communities.If you or your organisation would like to discuss having the course delivered in your community, get in touch asap! We’re already making bookings into the new-year.aim4safety

About the Author

Adam Bathe

Principle Consultant


After graduating with a B.A. in Anthropology, Adam worked on numerous projects related to natural and cultural resource management throughout Western Canada. With Blyth & Bathe, he has garnered a wealth of experience delivering community-based environmental monitor training across the NWT and an extensive background in TK consulting work. A recent highlight for him was co-authoring the Species Status Report for Barren-Ground Caribou in the NWT: Traditional and Community Knowledge Component, for which he spent a month paddling the Thelon River.

Adam is wrapping up his MSc in Natural Resources Management, during which he has gained experience in establishing monitoring programs, developed a GIS-based analysis of habitat disturbances, and blended publicly available TK data with his scientific work. He is currently working with a number of communities to develop Guardians of the Land programs and is the technical writer for the Advisory Committee for Cooperation on Wildlife Management.

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    olee arnaqaq November 19, 2014 at 3:07 am - Reply

    I am very interested in what I feared before. Growing up with my dad who was a hunter now past away. He taught me how to hunt at age 6 I was scared but I need to repasted it and be stronger as I love my country food which died too not getting any after he commited suicide 14 yrs ago

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    Zach Thalman March 17, 2015 at 7:49 pm - Reply

    This is really great. They need to have more firearm safety courses. I think it gives people a chance to see that you really can be safe with a firearm. A lot of schools have been teaching their teachers about how to protect their students and practice gun safety. I think that is wonderful. There are a lot of people that are fearful of guns for many reasons. I think there needs to be something to show them that they aren’t as bad as everyone says they are.

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